Connections is a bot designed to facilitate connections between servers, enhancing engagement and dynamism in your server.
Spyei's Guild
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What's up bro?Connections
Today at APP
Unreal's Guild
Unreal's Guild
Today at APP
Spyei's Guild
Today at
I'm fine!Fully customizable
Connections is a fully customizable bot, where 99.9% of the resources can be adjusted according to your preferences, allowing you to configure it exactly the way you want.Spyei's Guild
Today at
What's up bro?😃😁
Unreal's Guild
Today at APP
Allow Files
Allow file uploadsAllow Links
Allow links in sent messagesAllow Origin
Allow to appear server information in sent messages, like name and idAuto Translate
Translate automatically received messagesAllow Emojis
Allow only emojis from discordCompact Mode
More compact message to be sent